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- ☕ Starbucks is ON-CHAIN?
☕ Starbucks is ON-CHAIN?
GM ladies and gentleman and welcome back to B&C, the newsletter that'll have you healthy, wealthy, and somewhat well informed.
Here's the breakdown for today:
Seeking Sigma
The Starbs Pill
The Bot Pill
Implosions and Explosions.

Seeking Sigma


The layer 2 solution Polygon has partnered with Starbucks to help build the future of on chain rewards.
“Starbucks Coffee Company is working with Polygon to provide the blockchain technology to build its recently announced Web3 experience, Starbucks Odyssey.”
This partnership opens up the possibility of creating on-chain, tradable tokens for customers of Starbucks which gives them the ability to be rewarded for their loyalty to the brand.
Polygon has also partnered with Disney, Instagram, and Reddit to help build out their web3 solutions using their lighting fast network built on top of Ethereum.

🧮 Here's a list of equations that have changed the world. For the math enthusiast out there.
🔼 Philographics: Big Ideas in Simple Shapes is a book that explains big philosophical ideas through simple shapes.
🤑 Berkshire Hathaway has all of their shareholder letters available for your viewing pleasure. Serious alpha.


Developer and art enthusiast Andrei Taraschuk has been active in the internet art work for a while. If you use Twitter you've most likely seem some of the automated Twitter bots he has created to share fine art from the likes of Monet, Van Gogh, and Picasso to tens of millions of people.
He has been building BotFrens which gives the capability to share art through automated Tweets to help keep your Social Media community engaged, informed, and growing! If you love an artist and want to show them some love, creating a bot for them is the best way to share their work! Happy posting :)

Implosions and Explosions

See y'all next week,
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